Quantum consulting services
We provide our customers with accessible, reliable and independent advice so that they can understand the opportunities and risks of future developments in quantum technology and be ready for these. We connect your business context to our deep technical expertise, and communicate clearly what you need to know - so that you can make the right decisions.
Service offerings
Our most common offerings are below, but we are also happy to customise a package of consulting and advisory services to meet your needs. All services can be delivered in-person or virtually.
Board briefings and executive presentations
These sessions can be between 20-60 minutes in length, providing an overview for non-technical senior executives and directors of what quantum technology is, what it could do, and the current state of maturity. We also discuss the potential business opportunities and security risks, and how organisations should be planning for these.

QRC risk assessments and planning
One major risk of advances in quantum computing is that it may make some forms of current encryption insecure, which will therefore require a change to Quantum-Resistant Cryptography (QRC) - sometimes also known as Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC). Our structured methodology identifies and assesses what risks an organisation has, the potential solutions and what the priorities for action are. We can also extend this to provide support for detailed planning and implementation of QRC.

Quantum strategy workshops
Facilitated sessions, typically 2-4 hours in duration, to enable senior leaders to understand quantum technology, how it might impact their organisation and areas of responsibility, and to develop a strategy to exploit the opportunities and mitigate the risks.
As part of the planning for the workshop we will take the time to understand your organisation and business context to ensure a focused and constructive session.

Quantum technology assessments
An in-depth assessment of particular quantum technologies that may be relevant to an organisation, looking at the ability to support a particular use case, the potential business benefits and how these can be realised, the current technology maturity and vendor landscape, and likely future roadmaps and developments