At MDR Security we provide consulting services with a difference. Our mission is threefold:
1. Making technology understandable and explainable - you might not need to understand the 0's and 1's of a technical solution, but we believe you do need to understand what it can ancan't do, how that will impact your organisation, and what are the business impacts of technoloy decisions that you make. Our job is to explain that to you!
2. Making technology useful and valuable - two of the biggest reasons that projects fail are because the technology might sound exciting but it won't actually solve a genuine business problem or need, or because there is a clear understanding of the business problem or nee, but the technology can't actually deliver what is expected.
3. Making technology secure by design - security needs to be factored in through the whole project lifecycle, starting with understand what the system needs to do and the threats it will be exposed to.
We are different because:
- we combine deep technical understanding with business knowledge and expertise, and can "translate" between these domains
- we take the time to understand your organisation and your context - unlike some other consultancies that try to just reapply the same template as their last engagement
- we recognise security is a risk management issue, not just a compliance or tick-box exercise - threats to the system need to be understood and mitigate while still ensuring the business benefits are achieved

Rajiv Shah
Principal and Managing Director
Rajiv Shah is an experienced consultant and thought leader with over 30 years experience in cyber security, quantum technology, telecommunications, AI and cloud. He has held a broad range of senior industry executive roles, including as Australian regional director for the cyber security division of BAE Systems. As Managing Director of MDR Security, he delivers strategic consulting services to Government and other clients, helping them to understand technology, and use it securely to deliver genuine business benefit. Rajiv is also a Fellow of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, having published a number of papers on technology strategy and policy, and is a regular speaker at industry conferences and a contributor to industry publications.
He has experience of working in the UK and the US, and since 2011 has been based in Canberra, Australia. Before joining the commercial world, Rajiv completed a PhD in quantum physics and retains a keen interest in mathematics and science.